Source code for web3data.handlers.contract

"""This module contains the address subhandler."""

from typing import Dict

from web3data.chains import Chains
from web3data.handlers.base import BaseHandler

[docs]class ContractHandler(BaseHandler): """The subhandler for contract-related queries.""" def __init__(self, initial_headers: Dict[str, str], chain: Chains): """Return a new :code:`ContractHandler` instance. :param initial_headers: Base headers to attach to every request :param chain: The blockchain to fetch the information for """ super().__init__(chain) self.initial_headers = initial_headers self.base_url = "{hash}/" def _contract_query( self, route: str, headers: Dict[str, str], params: Dict[str, str], address: str = "", ) -> Dict: """Helper method for contract-related API queries. :param route: The endpoint route to query :param headers: The headers to attach to the request :param params: The request's query parameters :param address: The contract address string to query for :return: The parsed API response """ self._check_chain_supported() return self.raw_query( base_url=self.base_url.format(hash=address), route=route, headers=headers, params=params, )
[docs] def audit(self, address: str, **kwargs) -> Dict: """Retrieves the vulnerabilities audit for the specified contract (if available). The automated security checks are provided by MythX. Check out their stellar service over at :param address: The address to fetch information for :param kwargs: Additional query parameter options :return: The API response parsed into a dict """ self._check_chain_supported() return self._contract_query( address=address, route="audit", headers=self.initial_headers, params=kwargs, )
[docs] def details(self, address: str, **kwargs) -> Dict: """Retrieves all the detailed information for the specified contract (ABI, bytecode, sourcecode...). :param address: The address to fetch information for :param kwargs: Additional query parameter options :return: The API response parsed into a dict """ self._check_chain_supported() return self._contract_query( address=address, route="", headers=self.initial_headers, params=kwargs, )
[docs] def functions(self, address: str, **kwargs) -> Dict: """Retrieves the functions of the specified contract (if available). If not available on chain, the byte code is decompiled and a list of functions is extracted from it. :param address: The address to fetch information for :param kwargs: Additional query parameter options :return: The API response parsed into a dict """ self._check_chain_supported() return self._contract_query( address=address, route="functions", headers=self.initial_headers, params=kwargs, )